Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Very Exciting News!

Well, It has been a while since I have last posted and there have been many exciting things going on around the Hill house. ..

The first exciting thing that happened was that a couple weeks ago the Walla Walla Farmers Market started up! For those of you who don't know, Ethan's parents own The Cookie Tree Bakery and Cafe in Walla Walla. They have owned it for 23 years! Last year Doug recruited Ethan and I to help him get a both set up for the farmers market.We sold all sorts of goodies: Sandwiches, biscuits and gravy biscuit sandwiches, brownies, cookies, cinnamon rolls, scones, all sorts of pastries and the list goes on. It was lots of fun last year and we are helping again this year. The market started up on the 4th and we couldn't have asked for better weather. However it would have been nicer with out the crazy wind that kept blowing. It was a very busy day and we seemed to sell quite a few things. The best part was that we got to spend time together and with the family. We will be doing the farmers market all summer until the end of October I believe. The booth will be there almost every Saturday whether or not Ethan and I are there.

The second exciting thing that happend was that I was accepted in to the Dental Assisting Program at BMCC!! I couldn't be more excited! After a very long, well it seemed extremely long, wait, I finally got a call from BMCC to inform me that I had been accepted and would be getting my letter shortly. Well the letter came yesterday and I finally feel a sense of relief!! I didn't realize at first, but I was VERY stressed out. But now I feel like I can relax and enjoy my summer and get ready for this September when school starts. I will be busy with it through out the summer though as I get background checks and immunization records and such all together so that I can enter the program. I just can't begin to describe how excited I am!!!

Well I suppose that is all of our exciting news. It has been very hot this last week in Pendleton. We feel as though we were roasting at work. So one way we choose to cool off was by taking Bow to McKay Park and letting her splash around in the creek. She wasn't so sure if she liked to to begin with, but once she realized that she was cooler in the water rather than out of the water she really had fun. Ethan is very excited to have a "water dog".

Well that's about it for this post.  I'm sure that as our summer starts we will have much to tell about with all of the trips that we are wanting to go on! It will be a busy one!